Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Things I don't want to Forget

Yesterday I put the Blobster down for a nap, and about 1 1/2 hours later he woke up but was still kind of groggy. I had just finished feeding the Sweet Pea, so I put her down on the couch next to me and pulled the Blobster up onto my lap. I was catching up on Facebook and a few minutes later looked down at the Blobster since there wasn't much movement, and found that he had fallen back asleep. That is pretty rare, and really sweet to have him sleep in my lap. I realize that it won't happen very much anymore as he gets older so I smiled to myself and snuggled him closer.
Shortly after he fell asleep, the Sweet Pea also fell asleep where she was laying on the couch. So here I was 'trapped' by two sleeping children and loving it. Danny texted to see if I needed him to pick up anything on his way home. Well, as a matter of fact, it would be really nice if he could pick something up for dinner since I was stuck on the couch. He came through gallantly with tasty steaks, mashed potatos, and green beans. Then he proceeded to do the dishes as well. What a great guy!
Wait, it gets even better
This morning he made us eggs and bacon before he went to work. AND unloaded the dishwasher. Not that it is unusual for him to help out, but all of these things put together makes for a huge blessing to me.

These are the kind of things that I don't want to forget. I haven't done a great job of chronicling my children's milestones or achievements but I keep a journal where I have written entries for my son telling him about some of the fun things we have done. It is not usually about a great development step for him, but more about the everyday sort of things that go on.
Some other things that I don't want to forget:

  • The cute way the Blobster says "Hi" and "Morning" when he wakes up and toddles into our room. Also, the way he says "Apple Juice"... it kills me every time. 
  • The softness of the Sweet Pea's hair. 
  • How Danny takes the Blobster downstairs to watch cartoons (or Bobcat videos) to give me a chance to sleep in later on the weekends.
  • The first time the Blobster said "Bless You" to the Sweet Pea when she sneezed.
  • Riotous laughter when tickling the Blobster. 
  • Hiking during the summer.
  • The way the sun filters through the trees while we walk in Shooks Run.
Oh, there are things I don't want to remember too (like the intimate details of the current potty training), but for the most part those things fade into the background as I choose to remember the good things. And I know that I'm truly blessed.


Carmen said...

Such great things to remember. Your family is lovely...I hope to meet Sweet Pea soon!

Unknown said...

Haha... it kills me every time he says "juice" too. Every time!

Jen Kent said...

such a sweet picture. And lovely things to remember. Enjoy it!