Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Things I don't want to Forget

Yesterday I put the Blobster down for a nap, and about 1 1/2 hours later he woke up but was still kind of groggy. I had just finished feeding the Sweet Pea, so I put her down on the couch next to me and pulled the Blobster up onto my lap. I was catching up on Facebook and a few minutes later looked down at the Blobster since there wasn't much movement, and found that he had fallen back asleep. That is pretty rare, and really sweet to have him sleep in my lap. I realize that it won't happen very much anymore as he gets older so I smiled to myself and snuggled him closer.
Shortly after he fell asleep, the Sweet Pea also fell asleep where she was laying on the couch. So here I was 'trapped' by two sleeping children and loving it. Danny texted to see if I needed him to pick up anything on his way home. Well, as a matter of fact, it would be really nice if he could pick something up for dinner since I was stuck on the couch. He came through gallantly with tasty steaks, mashed potatos, and green beans. Then he proceeded to do the dishes as well. What a great guy!
Wait, it gets even better
This morning he made us eggs and bacon before he went to work. AND unloaded the dishwasher. Not that it is unusual for him to help out, but all of these things put together makes for a huge blessing to me.

These are the kind of things that I don't want to forget. I haven't done a great job of chronicling my children's milestones or achievements but I keep a journal where I have written entries for my son telling him about some of the fun things we have done. It is not usually about a great development step for him, but more about the everyday sort of things that go on.
Some other things that I don't want to forget:

  • The cute way the Blobster says "Hi" and "Morning" when he wakes up and toddles into our room. Also, the way he says "Apple Juice"... it kills me every time. 
  • The softness of the Sweet Pea's hair. 
  • How Danny takes the Blobster downstairs to watch cartoons (or Bobcat videos) to give me a chance to sleep in later on the weekends.
  • The first time the Blobster said "Bless You" to the Sweet Pea when she sneezed.
  • Riotous laughter when tickling the Blobster. 
  • Hiking during the summer.
  • The way the sun filters through the trees while we walk in Shooks Run.
Oh, there are things I don't want to remember too (like the intimate details of the current potty training), but for the most part those things fade into the background as I choose to remember the good things. And I know that I'm truly blessed.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Outside my window… from my living room, looking at my neighbors red trailer. I look at it so much that I really don't see it anymore.
I am thinking… bbq chips are like crack
I am thankful for… my friend's new healthy baby girl
From the kitchen… fear and loathing
I am wearing… slippers
I am creating… a backlog of dirty dishes
I am going… no where fast
I am reading… Pioneer Woman blogs
I am hoping… that Gage completely potty trains soon. He is almost there.
I am hearing… classical music, the hum from my computer, the ticking of the clock. Can you say two kids down for a nap?! Yay!
Around the house… many books on the floor, complements of Gage. Enzyme cleaner on certain pee spots, also complements of Gage. 
A few plans for the rest of the week… getting Mia's birth certificate, maybe reading my book (it's a bit boring), breakfast with a friend. Hope to see Danny at some point as he is in and out during a busy week.

Monday, March 21, 2011

2010 Book List

  • I'm clearing my book list from last year and starting new. Here is the list of what I read last year. There are a few books missing here and there as I forget quickly what I have read if I don't write it down. And if you have too much time on your hands, you may also be interested in my book list from 2008

  • 12/20/10 "In His Steps" Charles M. Sheldon
  • 12/5/10 "Kidnapped" Robert Louis Stevenson
  • 11/20/10: "Guide to Childbirth" Ina May Gaskin
  • 11/5/10: "Prodigal Summer" Barbara Kingsolver
  • 10/23/10: "Warren Buffett and the Business of Life" Alice Schroeder
  • 10/10/10: "Twentynine Palms" Daniel Pyne
  • 9/25/10: "The Farmers Daughter" Jim Harrison
  • 8/12/10: "Over on the Dry Side" Louis L'Amour
  • 7/23/10: "Sweeping Up Glass" Carolyn Wall
  • 7/12/10: "The Tall Stranger" Louis L'Amour
  • 7/7/10: "The Iron Marshal" Louis L'Amour
  • 6/13/10: "Soul Murder" Andrew Nugent
  • 5/23/10: "Don't Make Me Count to Three" Ginger Plowman
  • 4/15/10: "Sackett's Land" Louis L'Amour
  • 4/7/10: "Ride the Dark Trail" Louis L'Amour
  • 3/20/10 "Vintage Caper" Peter Mayle
  • 3/12/10: "More Food from Your Garden" Jacob Mittleider
  • 3/10/10: "100 Garden Tips & Time savers" Walter Chandoha
  • 3/5/10: "Organic Gardening in Cold Climates" Sandra Perrin
  • 2/15/10: "At Bertram's Hotel" Agatha Christie
  • 1/28/10: "The Tristan Betrayal" Robert Ludum

Sunday, March 20, 2011


In my last post I promised an account of going running with Danny. So, last Monday we had really beautiful weather and it was the first day after the end of Day Light Savings, so it was light later than usual in the afternoon. Danny came home from work and asked if I’d like to go running with him. My first reaction was “YES!”, but then I quickly backtracked with a “What do we do with the kids?”. He just looked at me and said we’ll put them in the stroller.
We were given a very nifty double stroller by our wonderful friends. We also still have our original running stroller, so we ended up putting the blobster in one and the sweet pea in the other so both of us had something to push. However, I got many weird looks while I pushed the sweet pea because she fits under the seat on top, so it looked like I was pushing an empty stroller. I even had one older lady tell me that I was missing something. Which is actually a valid concern when you are dealing with a chronically sleep-deprived mother of small children.
Anyway, Danny and I had a nice run. Well, a slow jog. With some walking. I was breathing hard, sweating, and panting, but I don't think Danny broke a sweat. BUT we got out and did it, which hasn’t happened in a very long time. I hope we will have many more such activities. And as I do it more I hope to increase my speed and distance. Next time we will put both kids in the double stroller and Danny can push them both. And run circles around me. 
See, I like to think of myself as a runner, but the actual truth is that I do very little running, especially since I became pregnant with the blobster over 2 years ago. But before I was pregnant I did 2 triathlons and enjoyed the training. I was definitely in the best shape of my life. But I still didn’t run very much. A 5K was about all I can handle, which doesn’t really put me in the category of a runner. But it is a start. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

People Watching

I don’t get much of an opportunity to sit in coffee shops and people watch. Hauling two kids – one of whom likes to run around wildly and say hi to everyone and pull things off shelves – into a relatively quiet shop usually results in nasty looks and raised blood pressure. For me.
But oh, I enjoy being able to sit down with a cup of coffee and have a peaceful moment whenever possible. It’s one of those pleasures that I used to take for granted and is now a great luxury. And people watching while drinking coffee is a natural combination.  It’s almost a requirement.
Yesterday afternoon I had such an opportunity. I put the kids in the stroller and walked downtown to a cute shop for some wrapping paper. The weather has been insanely nice for this time of year. On Monday Danny and I even took advantage of the warm weather and the time change (it still being light at 4pm) to go for a short run. More on that later.
After the kids and I finished terrorizing the poor ladies at the shop (my little sweet pea decided to cry the whole time, while the blobster proceeded to use the wrapping paper we were purchasing as a weapon), we headed towards home. However, we didn’t get far before there was a loud request coming from the front of the stroller. “Deat” Toddler translation: let’s Eat. I’m hungry.
Deat. Deat. Deat… yes, it was repeated about 50 times. If you have a toddler you understand.
Soooo, we stopped in at Starbucks because I had a gift certificate and it was the closest “Deating” establishment. While we were in line, the sweet pea miraculously fell asleep and after the blobster got his apple juice he was blissfully content for 10 minutes. So I took those 10 minutes and sat down at a table and drank my sugary caffeine, and watched what was going on around me. An entertaining circus. I think because of the nice weather there were more people out and about than usual. I watched an older couple meeting for coffee after work – they were obviously both professionals, dressed in suits. This may have been a first or second date…they were a bit awkward with each other but too familiar for it to be business. There was a lady in a bright red beret and sweat pants (interesting combo) who stopped to talk to the Greenpeace pushers on the corner. There was a homeless man in a stocking cap, heavy coat, and thick boots who was quickly passed by a young man with no shirt on and running shorts. Another guy came into Starbucks carrying a pizza box and bantered back and forth with his buddy who was making the coffee. He sat down but never ordered anything.
Anyway, there was lots more to see but the rally cry of “Go! Go! Go!” was coming from the stroller. Someone must have finished his juice. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. 

the weather is so nice that the crocus are blooming!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Brave One

With all the revolts/revolutions going on around the world, I ask myself, how did it start? First Tunisia, then Egypt, and quickly followed by Bahrain and Libya. Why now? These countries have had the same dictators for years and years. It started with one person. We will never know who it was that reached a breaking point and whispered to a friend “enough is enough”. One brave soul broke out of their fear and made a statement. They may not have even intended to start a revolt, but their plea moved from person to person until a small group was impassioned enough to stand up to tyranny. And with the help of global media, the movement caught on like wildfire and spread as people realized they weren’t alone in their sentiments. That is why many dictators try to control the media. They know that as long as people are not sharing ideas they can be stuck in their fear, but as soon as people start sharing openly and freely they will be able to topple any government.
Several years ago I enjoyed reading “In the time of Butterflies”, which touches on the subject. It takes a look at 4 sisters and their different reactions to oppressive government in the Dominican Republic.

What about me? Would I be brave? Would I be someone to stick my neck out or would I keep quiet? There are plenty of things to be passionate about and there are unnumbered injustices in the world. Am I willing to sit idle and not do anything about it? But it is overwhelming to know where to start or what to do. I guess in many ways I have not reached a breaking point yet, or it is not personal enough. I am busy with my own family and as long as we are healthy and happy then I’m willing to shut my eyes to what is going on around me. I know that taking care of my family is a full-time job, but I guess I just feel guilty sometimes for not doing more.