Ah...Fall is here. Well it has been here for awhile, but I'm just now writing about it. And tonight it is supposed to get down to around 14ºF, so we are quickly moving into winter. But on Halloween I had a crafty moment that I'd like to share, so here it goes.
You know how you look at Pinterest for hours (oh, is that just me??) and you repin all these great ideas about fun things to do with your kids, but you really never do them? Well, I did one!
I saw an idea to use mini pumpkins and decorate them like cute little nature creatures. So fun!! (do you hear the Pinterest euphoria in my voice?) So I took my kids to the grocery store and they each picked out some mini pumpkins - while we were there my son suggested that we also get some donuts.
So we did.
With our pumpkins and donuts safely home, we grabbed some bowls and headed outside to gather leaves, twigs, seeds, etc to glue to our pumpkins. It was a gorgeous day and we had a great time collecting all the things we would use. At first, when I told Gage-a-rooni what we were doing he wanted to "collect" a toy car he had left outside, then some sidewalk chalk, then a piece of plastic. I had to keep redirecting him to natural things, and he eventually got the idea. M&M had no difficulties collecting things. She had great fun running around picking things up.
Then we got our bounty inside, and after eating our donuts, we went to work on the pumpkins. I was armed with the hot glue gun, but the kids picked out the things they wanted to put on their creatures and where everything should go.
Our finished creations were, um, interesting.
But my kids are so proud of them. It was a lot of fun.
And the donuts were tasty.