Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gardening - continued

Composting is a new endeavor we have jumped into. Danny built a great barrel tumbler composter for us and replicated it for several friends. (I’m so happy to have a husband who can build/fix things!!) We began composting for the benefit of my garden, and also for the environment. Since we have been recycling, and now composting, we have greatly reduced the amount of trash we are setting out on the curb, which is a great immediate improvement.
I have now been able to use the first of the compost we have made. I’m so excited about this for my garden. I incorporated some of the compost into the bed where I sowed some seeds, and I used some more in my iris border I cleared of weeds. Those irises have not done much blooming since we moved in, but after I added the compost I now have quite a few buds on those plants! It really makes me feel good to see my “trash” being used to make my plants healthy. And those flowers make me smile.
Since we are going more green, I liked this article on how to talk to kids about environmental issues.\

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I’m really excited for my garden this year. Danny made me a new raised bed in the back yard in addition to the beds I had on the side of the house last year. I have planted all my seeds and got the tomatoes and squash in last weekend. It is wonderful to have fresh veggies from your own garden all summer.

My real battle is with the weeds in the flower garden in the front yard. I have beaten them back in some areas, but they are definitely winning out in a lot of the areas. I need a couple good sunny days and a cooperative son to get out there and pull those weeds. But as soon as I get one area done I have to go back and start all over again. They never go away! But I really find weeding pretty relaxing. I can let my mind wander while I’m doing it and I enjoy the physical labor and being outside. I may think differently in the middle of August, but right now it is nice to get some sun on my back.