Tuesday, June 24, 2008

being 30

It's depressing to be reminded of my age.
Until just recently I didn't feel much different than I did when I first got married 10 years ago. Then it seems like suddenly my body has put on the brakes and is conscience of it's physical age. (mentally, I'm not sure I'll ever grow up) Just in the last couple months I've had more physical aliments for seemingly no reason...hurt knee and hip.
And now I'm being shown that I can't party like a rock star anymore. Since Danny's brothers were all in town this weekend, we spent every evening with them, having drinks and catching up. Getting in bed late and getting up early for 5 days in a row. I used to be able to do that for weeks or months on end. Now, I feel like I've been hit by a truck. Sigh...

I have to get back on my regular schedule and get my energy back up so that I can run in my triathlon this weekend! I'm excited (and a bit scared).

Dinner Tonight: Fish Tacos

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


So, I've been resisting the whole facebook thing for awhile because I didn't want to have my time sucked into a vacuum. But as with most things, Danny convinced me to get my account up and running. Sure enough, since Monday I have been spending quite a bit of time looking at my friend's profiles. It has been fun though.

So next time you are on facebook, you should look me up. I'll probably be online...